Moonday to Freyasday 09:00 - 22:00

Photography & Music Blog

Two of the absolute best musicians in Norway and such an honor for me to take photos of them. The Emperor concert later that day was one of the best metal shows I have ever been to. And ive been to quite a few in my time. Its always killer when you meet youre heros and they are cool af :) ...

Heavy fog on Løvstakken mountain 09 August 2022. Had to use all the zoom availible on my camera but still i like how it turned out.

So, I have this friend in Stockholm. Mr Hallin. He makes a ton of interesting music, from extreme metal to goth pop. One of my favorites is his Isrike project. Will have to write a post about that one day. Thankful that he in 2019 brought me out of my deep depression and pushed me back into doing music again....

During some weird occurences on the internet in late may 2022, I got in touch with an absolutely awesome person that does Film production in USA. Through him I have gotten the chance to do filmscores professionally. I am over the moon, it has always been a dream of mine to do this.